Our project is now fully funded - thanks to a generous grant of £95,867 from the Heritage Stimulus Fund, via Historic England and the National Churches Trust, together with other grants from the National Church Trust, the Wolfson Foundation and many others. Work is already well under way and should be completed by June 2022.
We are very grateful to the Garfield Weston Foundation for pledging £7,500.
Established over 60 years ago in 1958, the Garfield Weston Foundation is a family-founded, grant-making charity which supports causes across the UK and gave over £88million last year. It has donated well over £1billion to charities since it was established.
Established over 60 years ago in 1958, the Garfield Weston Foundation is a family-founded, grant-making charity which supports causes across the UK and gave over £88million last year. It has donated well over £1billion to charities since it was established.
We are very grateful to the Geoffrey Watling Charity - a local charity that has offered £1500 towards our appeal.
Thank you to Norfolk Church Trust who have offered £5000 towards the appeal to repair our leaky vestry and help us protect our historic building.
Thank you to Allchurches Trust, who have just made a grant of £4000 to the appeal. Allchurches Trust is one of the UK's largest grant-making charities and gave more than £16 million to churches, charities and communities in 2018. Its funds come from its ownership of Ecclesiastical Insurance Group.
FABRIC APPEAL - Vestry & Boiler Project
Thank you to all who have already supported the appeal for this project, which will help keep our church building warm, dry and welcoming by fixing our leaky vestry and other places where damp is getting into the building, and replacing our obsolete and inefficient gas boiler. Several grant applications are pending on the project - and if successful we hope to complete it in the course of 2021, helping us to maintain the building and to secure its heritage for future generations.
If you haven't yet contributed to the appeal - it's never too late! The button at the top of this page will take you to a link for our online giving page.
If you haven't yet contributed to the appeal - it's never too late! The button at the top of this page will take you to a link for our online giving page.